Favorite places to express oneself and "let it out" ranged from the garage, shower and car. "No one can hear you from the car," one person said. "You'd be surprised," answered another. Some of us hadn't tried it, but the method was roundly supported by the ones who had. One person laughed that when she screamed "sh*t" while in the garage filling up the bowls of food for her well-trained Dobermans, they promptly sat.

We did some "multi-media" therapy tonight. There was clay, mandelas to color, sand trays, and other projects. We worked for fifteen minutes while some nice music was playing. We became engrossed in our work or play, and it was nice to escape for a bit. One well-dressed woman was working on the sand tray. She said later, "I was trying to make it smooth - I wanted to make all of us smooth." She faltered, then started crying and said, "But I couldn't do it." I told her, "Thanks for trying, though."
I always feel better after going to the group. I'm glad we're together.
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