Friday, March 4, 2011

Stuck in the Sand?

I'm in San Diego at a CADA conference - California Association of Directors of Activities. Fun to be in San Diego, but realizing that being out of my usual environs and out of my routine proves to be a challenge. Missing Peter again.
The weirdest thing was meeting a person here who looked very similar to Peter. I was walking up to my group of friends who were seated at a restaurant for lunch. A person the size and shape of Peter, with red, wavy hair, sort of greying under a baseball cap had his back to me. Glasses and blue eyes.... argh! In his conversation he said he was going to be 51. So was Peter. Of course he didn't have Peter's personality, but each time I see him (1300 people here, and I keep running into him!) I have to take a deep breath.
I told my sister-in-law I was struggling. Her answer gave me courage: "No getting stuck in ruts for you, girl!" Nope. That's not me. I'm going forward. Maybe slowly, but I'm not going to be stuck in a rut.
Thanks, Sis.

1 comment:

  1. amazing how we can go on with our lives and act normally while we are so broken inside - what a testimony to the strength God provides -
