Saturday, January 22, 2011


I never posted this picture of the cello section warming up which was taken by my very good and supportive friend, S. S and her husband came to my first concert back in December. I knew I'd be so nervous that it would be of no use to go to dinner together beforehand, but we had coffee afterwards. I'm still continuing to "cello away". We had a sectional last Tuesday. The pieces are not easy, but we'll get there. The next concert is February 12th at the Bankhead Theatre (for those of you who complained that I didn't tell you when the first one was. I was nervous!)
The week went by quickly, full as it usually is with work. I love my job, and I know I'm fortunate.
I met with the Hope Hospice people this week, in a different capacity. Schools are filled with kids who have sustained loss, whether it be death or divorce, recent or not. Many times we see the result, be it behavioral or academic. I'm hoping that we can create a community partnership to benefit our students. I'm very excited about the possibilities.
As for me, I'm kind of bumbling through the day. I didn't make plans ("Bad Noren," Peter would say) so I've had some bouts of self-pity. Yuck, I hate that. I told myself, "You've got to make things happen!" Well, I'm wondering if I really wanted to do anything? Perhaps it would have been better to just hang out with a good book. Maybe I feel good about myself if I get a ton done? Who the hell knows. I just have to go with it, I guess. I felt really alone, though I did have coffee at Denica's this morning, though I did go to the Farmer's Market with a friend and tasted fresh fruits and jams and bought beautiful and fresh flowers and took home some gorgeous strawberries. I also visited a gallery and drank in the beauty of created art. It is so quiet, and I just want to be with Peter while I do these things. I'm lost without him sometimes. That's it. I want to be a part of him, but my partner in the dance is off somewhere getting us drinks.
Did you see the moon this week? I actually cried when I saw it large and full rising over the hills to the east. I don't know what it is about the moon that gets me. I called my brother-in-law and left a message on his cell phone, "Did you see the moon!?" He had indeed, he said in his message back on my cell phone, as he flew from Missoula, Montana to Salt Lake City. Another friend from New York e-mailed me as he was in San Francisco for a quick stay this week. "Did you see the moon?!" I e-mailed him. He had indeed, he e-mailed me back, as he was flying from Dallas to SF. I think the moon reminds me of what is larger than me. It is light in my darkness, and is beautiful. It moves, transitive and intransitive. I hope you enjoyed the moon this week. It will change with us through the next month.


  1. the moon over lake Minnetonka was outstanding this week. I woke in the night a couple times and just laid there and soaked it in. In the morning around 6 am it is getting low in the west over the island and I think I like it best then. The shadows on the frozen lake are stunning.....

    so nice to be connected to the same moon no matter where we are.
    Love you

  2. Yes - I saw the full moon last week. It made me cry too...but for a different reason. I was reminded of the recent loss of my relationship with a friend from SLC. With me in MN, & now CA, we used to text each other about the full moon. It was a long distance way to enjoy it together. I will miss that...
