Sunday, January 9, 2011

Joy Will Find A Way

Today is the most relaxed I've felt in a long time. I actually had the desire to cook. I think it helps to have another body in the house, and especially one that has lost around twenty pounds in the two weeks post surgery. Kirsten is able to eat soft foods, and I thought that lamb shanks that have been in an oven for three hours with vegetables, chicken broth and wine might produce a wonderful gravy to go over polenta. I made it, and it was fabulous. It was quite satisfying to pick the bay leaf, rosemary and thyme sprigs from the back yard. I'm most proud of not killing Peter's plants, and also very proud to have cooked a good meal. We had a friend over for dinner. I mentioned to the table that I have cooked more this week than I have in the last ten months. Kirsten thought that I should have "dinner parties", or at least "pot lucks." That's what they do in college, and if it works for them, she reasoned, it should work for me. Might be a good idea.
The rest of the evening was spent companionably in the living room, me reading a book of Kirsten's, and Kirsten doing some pre-studying, with Lulu's help.
I'm still amazed at how good I feel today. It was a challenging week, and yesterday felt like an exercise in futility with lots of rushing around and not feeling like much was done, but today was perfect. I can go on another day.
As I think about this peaceful day I remember: I laid in bed this morning and listened to two songs on my I-pod by Bruce Cockburn. I don't know why I picked the songs - the titles appealed to me in the early hours when I transition from dreaming to this world. (Bruce Cockburn is a Canadian guy who I discovered after looking up his work after seeing a verse or two quoted in the book The Shack.) At any rate, the first song was "Joy Will Find A Way." The lyrics are:
Make me a bed of fond memories
Make me to lie down with a smile
Everything that rises afterward falls
But all that dies has first to live
As longing becomes love
As night turns to day
Everything changes
Joy will find a way
Then I listened to this song by Bruce Cockburn, titled "Love Song":
In the place my wonder comes from
There I find you
Your face shines in my sky
In your heart where the world comes from
There you will find me
Your eyes dance in my mind
Come with me
We will sail on the wind
We will sway among the yellow grass
When you be beside me
I am real
Though my eyes be closed forever
Still I would find you
You shine across my time
Come with me
We will sail on the wind
We will sway among the yellow grass
When you be beside me
I am real
In the place my wonder comes from
There I find you
Both songs were amazingly comforting.
Thank you....


  1. so glad you had a peaceful and relaxing day yesterday. i hope it carried over into today. It sounded wonderful to have you cooking...I would love to have you cooking for me!! You need to keep cooking and get some weight back on that girl..
    time for sleep tonight - sleep peacefully and awake to a new day with renewed energy.
    love you

  2. I too find cooking satisfying and relaxing - keep it up!

  3. BTW I think it's good that you started your own blog and yes it's a pain to post comments so if you don't receive as many that is why. I have one that I don't write on but just post stuff I like like pictures, prayers, cute emails etc -

  4. you have been quiet for days now....hope all is well and you are just enjoying hanging onto your thoughts. I will look forward to hearing what you have to say when you are ready to write.
    Went snowshoeing twice today - cold, but the sun was shining and we had 9 inches of fresh snow this week.. I have been out everyday this week and it just gets better.
    A few more days and night time with the full moon will be great!
