Saturday, January 8, 2011

New - or, Just Keep Walking

I've been out of sorts, and I am wondering if it is because I haven't written. I don't know if I like this "blog". A friend said she tried to post a comment and she wasn't able to. The blog seems lonely without Peter, and I think I'm grieving even the change/loss of CaringBridge. I'm leaving lots of things behind, and it's not comfortable. Yet I need to be aware of the new things ahead.

On my fridge I have two little magnets, each with a lower case "n". Peter had bought them and put them there, and now they are the only things that remain on the fridge front, save for a mirror cut-out of the word "hope". Anyway, the two "n"s are for Nutty Noren, one of Peter's nicknames for me (as you may remember.) Yesterday, on the fridge, I noticed that the second "n" got turned around and put together with the first, and it reads "nu". I have been contemplating "new" now.

A friend has been reading "The Artist's Way" . I've had the book for probably seven years, but had never gotten beyond the first few pages. Intrigued by his enthusiasm, I pulled out the book and opened to the middle - a random look-see. I was drawn in right away. One part of a paragraph that jumped out says this: "Think of yourself as an accident victim walking away from the crash: your old life has crashed and burned; your new life isn't apparent yet. You may feel yourself to be temporarily without a vehicle. Just keep walking." Well, that I can do. Believe that there is yet hope, that there is a new life ahead, and for now, I should just keep walking.


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